
Selasa, 26 September 2023

The Law Of Attraction

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The Law of Attraction basically says we can get what
we think about. Our circumstances aren’t determined by
the fickle hand of fate, but instead are shaped by our
own conscious and unconscious thoughts.

To make the Law of Attraction work for you, you have
to know what you want and ask for it. Then, go ahead
and start making plans for after you receive it.

This doesn’t mean ask for money, and then start
spending like it’s in your pocket. But make plans for
how you’re going to spend the money when it does get

The hardest part for most people is to be open to
receiving it. This is where doubting you really
deserve it can prevent anything good from happening.
If you don’t think you deserve good things, they won’t
come to you.

Another problem some people have is thinking about the
things they don’t want to happen to them. The thought
fulfilling universe doesn’t understand the concept of
"I don’t want". If you spend your time dwelling on
negative things, that’s what you’re going to get.

The Law of attraction isn’t going to solve all your
problems overnight. But if you start practicing it on
a conscious level, eventually it will become second
nature to you.

You won’t have to steer your mind to thoughts of
positive things. It will already be there. Positive
thoughts breed positive actions and reactions. Give it
an honest try and you may be pleasantly surprised.

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