What Is the Cost of Acupuncture?
Although it has come a long way since its roots some 5000 years ago, the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture is still something that is revered, even today. Since the 1980s, this practice has gained widespread use throughout much of the westernized world. Although it has changed as far as the type of needles that are used and the areas in which they are used, much of the ancient art still remains intact. If you would like to try acupuncture for yourself but are wondering about the cost, here is a breakdown on what it will cost you for treatment.
Of course, treatments for acupuncture vary from area to area but for the most part you can expect to pay anywhere from $50-$250 per treatment. This also includes your initial consultation in which your doctor will discuss all of the options with you and try to ascertain exactly what kind of treatment that you need. On this initial visit, the acupuncture may not even be administered. There are some acupuncturists, especially where competition is high in the area that will give you the initial consultation for free. If you are able to find such a deal, it may help you to afford the further treatments.
Unfortunately, acupuncture is not always a one-shot deal. As a matter of fact, for some types of treatments you can expect to be in the acupuncturist's office a dozen times or more. This can add up to a substantial amount of money if you are paying $100 per visit. What can be done to curtail the cost?
Depending on your particular treatment and the reason why you're visiting the acupuncturist, your insurance may actually cover all or part of the treatment. The best thing that you can do in this particular case is to contact your insurance company to see if they cover acupuncture treatments.
Of course, there is a negative affect to the cost of acupuncture as well. If you have a problem with your health and you do not seek help through an acupuncturist you may end up keeping that malady for quite some time. You have to balance this in your mind and try to put a price tag on what your health is worth. If you have been dealing with your illness for quite some time, the price of several acupuncture sessions may not be so big after all.